To build awareness and bolster the Windstream brand in Iowa.
A part of PR effort for consumers to understand that Windstream is invested in the Iowa community. Windstream rewards a total of $70,000 to four organizations in Iowa that are working to brighten the future for their communities.
Primary targets are driven from a Direct Mail letter announcing the program. Windstream also participates in several area events promoting the Iowa Community program.
The company listens and responds to consumer needs. As a result of listening, Windstream has responded with the $94.99 for Life Guarantee Bundle which includes High-Speed Internet, Unlimited Phone and DISH Network Digital Satellite TV. What makes this bundle new and exciting is the addition of TV to the Price for Life bundle.
To provide additional information to customers and potential customers receiving self-mailers, letter kits, door hangers, and emails — and provide them with the option for registration.